Freitag, September 14, 2007


Wants and desires are traditionally perceived as the root of all evil. But isnt it worse not knowing what one wants?

3 Kommentare:

PraveenMathoor hat gesagt…
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PraveenMathoor hat gesagt…

yes ,ofcourse we should know what we want in our life.In my opinion it is the basic thing one should know in his/her life?In other words a human being cant be without any desires,howmuch someone tries to suppress his desires the more will be his desires.Eventhough irrational desires can only lead to suffering.As most of our desires are materialistic in its nature,we can never fullfill all our desires,so our lifes become living the main thing is to find happiness within oneself,if we search happpienes outside ,we are going to fail.In my view there is a great difference between having never ending desires,like having more money ,better job etc.,and to know clearly what one wants in his life.To know thyself means also to know what you want (your desires and wishes).In my piont of view,one who doesnt know what he wants in his life will live in same or even more misery like someone who have irrational never ending desires?I asked myself and others(freinds)the question are you/me happy with our lifes?I could hear the genuine answer yes only from those people ,who live their life as they want.or in other words these were all people who know,what they want in their life,and have a positive attitude about their life,they never consider their life as a living misery,otherwise a life with lot of possiblities.So in my view to know what one wants in his life is always good and essential.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Wants and desires are not the root of all evil but what humans WILL do to get to them is.

Desire is natural, Want is induced by the surroundings if we do not have both of those, what to look for in life?

May be one needs to be spiritually inclined to understand and appreciate and live life peacefully and satisfied...
