Samstag, September 01, 2007

Love As A Choice

Growing up, love always seemed to be a force of nature that sneaked upon you when you least expected it and carried you along it's ravaging rollercoaster ride. Today, it appears more like a choice - a conscious decision to be made and executed on a day-to-day basis even when the object might not be so deserving of amorous affections on that given day. Whoever said that love is blind was lying - love is definitely not blind, it sees all but does not mind!

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Love is simple. Sadly we humans have a habit of complicating even the simplest and straight forward things. I feel may be cause we can't see things simple and peaceful.

Love can be many things to many people but to me it is caring selflessly. Sadly that has its drawbacks too.

You know I was crazy about you when I was in college but always thought you are way above my standards and that was true. But that never came in the way of appreciating you and even to this day I appreciate for what you have done with your life and how you have stood far above most of the people around you in college. I always admired you and will too.

When it comes to love, there are lots of man made rules and that typically plays spoil sport. Just the way two people look at a Rose or the moon and have two totally different opinions, in love too that prevails.

The wise say love is blind cause when in love we tend to forget quite a bit. Sadly love no matter how divine lasts only for a short time and we are left with other things. Sadly not many think that way... Which explains lots isn't it?
