Donnerstag, Juli 26, 2007


We all make choices on a day-to-day minute-to-minute basis in life. This stems out from the free-will in us that equips one to choose exactly what one wants. There’s a whole lot of discussion about whether free-will is actually a mirage and doesn’t exist as one would want to believe (the book ‘God’s Debris’ deals with this topic) – but that’s something to be dealt with at a later point of time. The choices we make or are at times forced to make could vary in significance and repercussions to as mundane as picking up a cup of coffee the way one likes best to as life-altering as changing one’s line of work. Some choices are deliberate, conscious acts while some are made unknowingly, almost in stealth. Whatever way it is made or howmuchever the amount of importance attached to it, I believe that what lends meaning to the choices are the things one has to let go when one chooses.

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Good topic of discussion. I agree especially to your conclusion. To me, choices have consequences, in your example "the things one has to let go when one chooses" is one of the consequences. By consequence, I do not mean something bad, but I just mean "a result". The things one decides to let go can be the ones the person consciously decides to do so while making the choice. Or, it could be the unknown things that he would have got if he had made the other choice. The things the person conciously decides to let go are more real and perhaps has an impact on the person than the things that he misses(as he let go) now for not making the other choice. The latter is more imaginary than real as he never can be sure if he really would have got it if he had persued with the other choice.

Though both conscious and unconscious choices have consequences. I think choices made consciously are the ones that have a deeper impact on a personal level. Simply because, you actively chose to persue with the choice and hence you see the consequence more visibly and this affects you.
Bigger and important choicea have bigger consequences. Though, all choices can change a person, bigger and important choices have the potential to mold a person internally within a short span of time.

Moreover, I think, choices can become addictive(not necessarily in a bad way). Same choice(no matter how big it is) made several times on a similar occasion can become a habit. It is because, one is most likely to make the same decision once again. The more one turns to his habits the greater the impact he sees on himself provided it is given more time.
For example, if you make an active decision to help poor people, the more you choose to do so the lesser you will start to care about money or something similar.
Since choices can become a habit, and as habit can mold ones character, it is important to make the right choice from the start. Eventhough we humans can eventually change our character, given the proper surroundings and time, I think it is wiser to make the right choice from the first time. For example consider the active choice of injecting oneself with drugs. One has to get this right from the start, else s/he has to face bad consequences and perhaps got to change the decision in later life.

Okay, some choices are quite clear to make...they are just black and white...good and bad. One knows the difference between them through common sense. C.S.Lewis calls this common sense factor to be the law of human nature. But many other choices that we make are in the grey zone. Often these choices have a bigger consequence. For such choices, it is not enough relying on ones own guts, feelings or the "internal guiding system". It is sometimes okay to choose for onself...but I think it is wise and more rewarding if s/he chooses to analyze and discuss the alternatives with "good" people. By good people, I mean people who are close and the ones who know him very well. More importantly, the ones who care for his well being. Sometimes one comes to a better conclusion just by talking to others. If one is a believer, s/he ought to pray about it!

Finally, I beleive we all have a free-will. It is through the free-will a person chooses...the beauty with the free-will factor is that it applies to even those persons who do not believe in it. Through the gift of free I enjoy my freedom. Free-will is graciously given to all of us not mater what. I think the free-will goes above all of what I makes life much more interesting and gives one the longing to face tomorrow.