The height of summer witnesses the kids splashing in the pools at parks, the lithe young ones lounging in sun working on their tan, the supermarkets' ice section almost always running out of Magnum Mandel cones (my fave), open-air concerts, bike tours, grill parties a dozen a week, and so on and so forth..... Thats for normal people.

Then there are the ones like me for whom the entry of summer is earmarked by sleepless nights when I shift droopy-eyed from my bed to the couch to the floor and finally with all the finesse of a gymnast balanced on a couple of chairs on the balcony only to be awakened a few minutes later by the penetrating rays of the sun and the shrill voice of the construction workers bemused at the specimen on the balcony above. Just last week when it was pouring cats and dogs, I was yearning for bright weather and here I am ready to trade anything for a cool breeze. Did anyone say something about some grass and its colour? :)
3 Kommentare:
Hehe, another problem is the pollen...Many as I
are allergic to all kinds of pollen birch, elm, name it...pathetic to see the eggs floating around in the air during hot mid/late summers...
As it looks now, I am gladly willing to trade "polly" summers for a cold, dark, long, dirty winter...atleast one can breathe, to live.
Hmm...I am beginning to wonder if scientists think that this pollen pollution can also contribute to global warming...I wish it did.
You know people are seriously even thinking of preventing methane emission from cows burp...perhaps they discover something for pollen too?!!
Whatever be it, I feel that a
research on this nasty eggs is imperative!
It is afterall, not nice to have bugs inside ones' lungs.
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