Sonntag, Mai 25, 2008

The Bigger Picture

I tried hard to focus and see,
That what is sheathed beneath
Myriad layers of trivialities that be;
Clouded, hazy and unclear at first
An outline beginning to emerge,
At last could I quench my thirst;
As it loomed large before me,
The bigger picture, formerly elusive,
Painted for you, me and we!

Dienstag, Mai 13, 2008

Judging judgementals

Too often one condemns or accuses another of being judgemental. I can recall numerous instances of snickering at people I knew when they commented on a certain style of dressing as ‘too loud’ or labelled certain life-style behaviour as ‘trés superficial’ or were disgusted at certain sexual preferences. At the back of my mind, I was being the liberal one – the one who didn’t judge others’ for the very people they were and who gave due respect to their preferences. The others who expressed their opposition to these behavioural/life style trends were in my consciousness the staid ones, the conservatives – the ‘judgmental’ type. Talking to a dear in the recent past revealed the chink in my armour of reasoning ‘Am I not being judgemental in judging those very that seem judgmental?’

Samstag, Mai 03, 2008

Too comfortable

Being too comfortable in a relationship - should it be taken as a sign of intimacy or as a warning that one is taking the bond for granted?