Dienstag, Februar 27, 2007

Essence Of Life

I see the tiny rose bud,
Open its eyes on my window sill;
Promising a glorious red,
As it fully flowers still.

Beings young and sweet,
In the glorious spring of life;
Harbingers of things great,
After many a hazardous strife.

Spring is followed by summer,
And summer by autumn red;
Autumn gives way to snowy winter,
And so is it with life truly led.

Amidst all comes along a being,
Tanned in warm summer early;
Without any dreams of seeing,
Brown leaves of autumn lovely.

The end of the road is in sight,
But no regrets left behind;
It has been a life truly bright,
And one oh so fully lived!

Mittwoch, Februar 14, 2007

Soul Mates – A Two-Lettered Taunt?

Soul Mates – A Two-Lettered Taunt?

I like the word ‘soul’ and the word ‘mate’ but soul mate? It’s a term that alternately beckons and taunts me.

I grew up convinced there was this one perfect soul mate for me somewhere in the universe and that the cosmos would conspire to throw us together. The problem with the erstwhile theory is the number ‘one’. If you really jell well with someone and it doesn’t work out, does it mean that he was not your soul mate and just a sore loser in the game of ‘My Life – A Glorious Fairytale’? Can there not be more than one soul mate for each one of us in life? Conversely, does one’s soul mate have to be the person you end up with in life? Is it not possible that a friend or a parent or a sibling or a virtual stranger could be your soul mate while the one you are bound to in life is well just a partner?

I am not sure I believe in the concept of a soul mate anymore. I don’t think any one person can know and understand another being perfectly sans misgivings. I still am not fully convinced that life becomes a smoother journey with a companion by one’s side. And I definitely don’t believe that someone else could make me happy. When I am happy with someone, it’s because I choose to make myself happy. For all my pals who are sublimely enjoying the company of those whom they consider soul mates, I am really glad. I am all for love and companionship, but the concept of soul mate is just a two-lettered taunt – a taunt that one has to look outside oneself for fulfilment. Well, so there’s something to chew on, soul mates – a reality or a taunt?

Fluttering Of The Heart

Red hearts floating all around,
Pink toys exchanged all in fun;
Eyes straining to look beyond,
To catch a glimpse of the lovely one.

Flowers, teddies rule the day,
Accosted with exotic chocolates;
None can keep the excitement at bay,
After all it’s the day for Valentines.

Secluded in an alcove I stand,
Watching the stream of festivities;
I though but can’t give a hand,
To be part of all merry activities.

Not long ago did this heart beat,
Every moment for a lovely being;
Today it’s such an arduous feat,
To make it even meekly reign.

Loves mighty say the very wise,
Loves all you need sing the bards;
Without a thought, in a trice,
Can I say these are but flimsy yarns.

There are no fairy-tales in life,
There’s no ideal perfect match;
All you have is your own strife,
Leading through a twisting patch.

The cacophony of life drowns,
Often the feeble voice of truth;
Would one be ever, without frowns,
Led by fluttering of one’s heart, so faint?

Dienstag, Februar 13, 2007

Mystical Night

Perched cosily on my window sill,
Eyes on the star studded sky;
Soaking up the night so still,
Thinking of all that I had to defy.

I pined for the arms whose strength,
Encircling me in a safe fortress;
I missed the voice with all the depth;
Which still to me was a tender caress.

People met in the journey of life,
Hailed to be forever together;
Find themselves in a vicious strife,
And end up irreconcilably asunder.

Thoughts interrupted by the early streak of light,
Creeping up amidst the steely darkness;
It was the dawn in its early stages of birth,
With promises of abundant brightness.

As I watched the birth of the new day,
Emerging from the womb of the night so mystique;
It dawned on me that the travails of journey,And not the destination makes life so very unique!